quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013

La Floroj Violaj de la Dezerto - Nadia Figueiredo

Adonis Saliba compartilhou um vídeo com você no YouTube
La Floroj Violaj de la Dezerto - Nadia Figueiredo
Lead Singer: Nádia Figueiredo
Music Production and arrangement: Iuri Cunha
Guitars: Lucas Gesualdi
Percussion: Firmino Alves

Photos: Ricardo Rheingantz
Special thanks Adonis Saliba and Mirna Rubim


Following upwards toward sublime peace
And there I seek a language to share with everyone

In my verses created a desert that suddenly blossomed
And turned all the suffering in lilac flowers

Maybe we can reach one place,
coming together in one universal language of love.


Unlike what one might imagine, Esperanto is not a dead language. It is taught in 150 universities and other institutions higher education and 600 elementary and secondary schools in 28 countries.
The language has more than 50,000 titles in the literature. It was created by Polish ophthalmologist Dr. Ludwig Zamenhof of Bialystok, a city ruled by the Russian Empire.
The inhabitants were Russian, Polish, German and Jewish and this cultural diversity put people apart, and created a linguistic division.
Esperanto is 125 years, is a neutral and universal language that was created to break the boundaries of mankind.
In 1954, UNESCO started to formally recognize the value of Esperanto for education, science and culture.


Sigo para o alto na direção sublime da paz.
E lá busco uma linguagem para com todos partilhar.

Nos meus versos criei um deserto que de repente floresceu
E transformou todo o sofrimento em flores lilás

Quem sabe possamos chegar a um único lugar,
nos unindo na linguagem única e universal de amar.
©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066


Programo MIA AMIKO

Lernu Esperanton kun amikoj


Movimento Virtual de Esperanto no Brasil


Twitter: @MiaAmiko

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